I am using Magento 1.9.1 and I trying to implement this Catalog Price Rule:

IF ALL these conditions are TRUE

SKU is not one of SKU1, SKU2, SKU3 -->This rule doesn't works.

It works only on this way:

SKU is not one of SKU1

SKU is not one of SKU2

SKU is not one of SKU3

Is this a magento Bug?

  • It's a long shot, but perhaps you entered the spaces you put above in Magento and it's seeing the space as part of the SKU, thus it doesn't match. Commented Mar 19, 2015 at 16:38
  • I believe this is a Magento bug - magento.stackexchange.com/questions/54927/… Commented Mar 19, 2015 at 16:48
  • @DouglasRadburn perhaps a solution would just be to override this rule and implement your own working method? Doesn't seem that hard you'd only need to change like.. one or two lines. Commented Mar 19, 2015 at 18:48


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