I have made a custom module in magento admin. In which I am showing a custom tab on CMS page area as shown in below image.

enter image description here

I have a custom form on click on "My Button". I fill that form and value is properly inserted in DB.

Now I want to show Grid for saved data under my custom tab for that form.

How can I do this on CMS Page area in Magento admin..?

Please help me to get rid of this problem.


2 Answers 2


Not sure what part of the code you already have, here a complete walk-thru on how to add a grid to the CMS Page edit:

I named my example Example_CmsTabGrid:

Module init file: /app/etc/modules/Example_CmsTabGrid.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Module config file: /app/code/community/Example/CmsTabGrid/etc/config.xml:





Helper: /app/code/community/Example/CmsTabGrid/Helper/Data.php:


class Example_CmsTabGrid_Helper_Data extends Mage_Core_Helper_Abstract


Layout file to add tab to cms_page_edit: /app/design/adminhtml/default/default/layout/example_cmstabgrid.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <reference name="cms_page_edit_tabs">
            <action method="addTab">

And the last file that combines the Tab interface with the Grid combined: /app/code/community/Example/CmsTabGrid/Block/Cms/Page/Edit/Tab/Grid.php:


class Example_CmsTabGrid_Block_Cms_Page_Edit_Tab_Grid
    extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid implements Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Tab_Interface

     * Get tab label
     * @return string
    public function getTabLabel()
        return Mage::helper('example_cmstabgrid')->__('Blocks');

     * Get tab title
     * @return string
    public function getTabTitle()
        return Mage::helper('example_cmstabgrid')->__('Blocks');

     * Check if tab can be displayed
     * @return boolean
    public function canShowTab()
        return true;

     * Check if tab is hidden
     * @return boolean
    public function isHidden()
        return false;

    public function __construct()
        $this->setEmptyText(Mage::helper('example_cmstabgrid')->__('No records found!'));

    protected function _prepareCollection()
        $collection = Mage::getModel('cms/block')


        return parent::_prepareCollection();

    protected function _prepareColumns()

                'header' => Mage::helper('example_cmstabgrid')->__('Identifier'),
                'width' => '200px',
                'index' => 'identifier',

                'header' => Mage::helper('example_cmstabgrid')->__('Active'),
                'index' => 'is_active',
                'type' => 'options',
                'options' => Mage::getSingleton('adminhtml/system_config_source_yesno')->toArray(),

                'header' => Mage::helper('example_cmstabgrid')->__('Title'),
                'index' => 'title',


    public function getRowUrl($row)
        return false;


Hope this helps you with what you are looking for.

  • very detailed answer (y)
    – Hashid
    Commented Dec 4, 2014 at 11:20

You can Call another Grid Via 2 Ways. Hope You know the whole structure of Magento Grid Management.

Step 1: Open your Module Folder like [NameSpace]\[Module Name]\Block\Adminhtml\[modulename]\Edit\Tabs.php.

Step 2: In _beforeToHtml() Method add last Below Code.

  $this->addTab("Custom Block", array(
        "label" => Mage::helper("custom")->__("Custom Block"),
        "title" => Mage::helper("reordermanagement")->__("Custom Block"),
        'content' => $this->getLayout()->createBlock('[modulename]/adminhtml_[anothermoduleanme]_grid', 'custom-tab-content')->toHtml(),            
        'class' => 'ajax'

Step 3: This is one Way to add the Custom grid to another tab grid.


Step2: Another Way is to create a action in controller.

Step 3: Add Below Code.

$this->addTab("reorder History", array(
        "label" => Mage::helper("reordermanagement")->__("Reorder History"),
        "title" => Mage::helper("reordermanagement")->__("Reorder History"),            
        'url'=>$this->getUrl('*/*/grid', array('_current'=>true)),
        'class' => 'ajax'

Step 4: Create gridAction() Method in [Namespace]\[Module Name]\controllers\Adminhtml\yourController.php and create Below Method.

 public function gridAction()

These are the simple steps to add Grid into Custom tab.

  • Hello @keyul, I have no file named "Tabs.php" at location specified by you. I want to tell you that I have created custom tab with xml file in layout in adminhtml folder. Commented Dec 3, 2014 at 14:32
  • Then you have to change the logic to add the tab and you have to over ride the core class and added your code
    – Keyul Shah
    Commented Dec 3, 2014 at 16:31

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