I want to change store by location in magento. For that I create a popup of location dropdown when user open website in there browser, here user selects its location and website redirect to particular store.

public function getLocationInfoByIp($observer) {

        $location = $_POST['location'];
        switch ($location) {

            case "US": {
            case "IN": {
            default: {

When I submit popup after selecting location from dropdown, It change store. But after refresh it again change store to default.

So please suggest to resolve this issue.


1 Answer 1


Depending on whether you have the store code added to the URL's or not in the admin settings (system->configuration->web->url options->add store code to urls), or stores are under different domains, you can take 1 of 2 approaches.

With the store code setting enabled, or stores under different domains the store is determined purely by the URL, so to switch to a particular store you just need to redirect to the base URL (or some other page of your choosing) i.e.:

$store = Mage::getModel('core/store')->load($storeid);
$url = $store->getBaseUrl();

If you don't have the store code appearing in URL's and stores are under the same domain you just set a store cookie containing the code of the store you want to switch to:

$store = Mage::getModel('core/store')->load($storeid);
$url = $store->getBaseUrl();
Mage::app()->getCookie()->set(Mage_Core_Model_Store::COOKIE_NAME, $store->getCode(), true);

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