Hello I have one question regarding bundle product in magento
Let me take one example to be clear
Suppose I have one bundle product named "bundle_test" and their child product which are simple product named "bundle_child_1", "bundle_child_2", "bundle_child_3"
Now I have work to do is If some one is selecting "bundle_test" then I need to set 10% discount on "bundle_child_1" 50% on "bundle_child_2" and price will for that bundle will be calculated dynamically and the product will display like
suppose "bundle_child_1" has price 100 "bundle_child_2" has price 200
then product will bundle_test bundle_child_1: 100 (-10) bundle_child_2: 200 (-100) bundle_child_3: 300
subtotal: 600 discount: -110 grandtotal: 490