How to show wishlist products in magento's home page. Is there any way to bring it with custom block using static blocks.
1 Answer
In your CMS page "HomePage" add
{{block type="wishlist/customer_sidebar" name="wishlist_homepage" template="wishlist/sidebar.phtml"}}
Or add in the Layout Update XML
<reference name="content">
<block type="wishlist/customer_sidebar" name="wishlist_homepage" template="wishlist/sidebar.phtml" />
Wishlist products are now in the HomePage.
If you want to change the look duplicate for example base/default/template/wishlist/sidebar.phtml to yourTheme/template/wishlist/sidebar.phtml and you are free to do what you want.
In case you want to remove wishlist products from sidebar, in yourTheme/layout/local.xml add :
<reference name="right">
<action method="unsetChild"><name>wishlist</name></action>