I'm setting up a new Magento store and the products aren't displayed anymore. They were showing before and I haven't made big changes lately (mostely CSS)
The images were also not showing anymore, but I fixed that by renaming the .htaccess

I've done the following things:

  • Status > enabled
  • Visibility > Catalog, Search
  • Qty > 123
  • Stock Availability > In Stock
  • Is assigned to right category
  • Category is active
  • Disabled cache
  • Reindexed indices

There are no Associated Products because it are Simple Products

The strange thing is, that when I navigate directly to the product it show a blank page.
The console does show a prototype error, but that was also there when the products were showing. Here it is anyway:
The error

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined 

The line it refers to

var respondersForEvent = registry.get(eventName);

Does anybody know how I can get my products back?

  • So there is no html regarding the products at all on the product page? Does the rest of the page display correctly (header, footer...etc)? Commented Oct 7, 2014 at 9:26
  • Nope, nothing shows on the product page. I just noticed the console shows a 500 (Internal Server Error) GET /producten/grind-en-split/grind.html 500 (Internal Server Error) Commented Oct 7, 2014 at 9:28
  • check your Apache error.log then, therte must be something wrong. Commented Oct 7, 2014 at 9:29
  • Did you check the Magernto system and exception logs? Do they say something relevant? Commented Oct 7, 2014 at 9:31
  • I checked the system.log file and the error was caused by not terminating a comment in a layout file. The products and the product page are now showing again Commented Oct 7, 2014 at 9:41

1 Answer 1


I found the problem by looking in the error files, as suggested in the comments. The problem was that I had not terminated a comment in my layout.xml

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