I want to set robots: noindex, nofollow for 1 specific category. I thought I just add a line in a source code like:

if (stripos($categoryName, 'MyCategoryName') !== false) { $this->layoutFactory->setRobots('NOINDEX,NOFOLLOW');

but I cannot locate the source code file, where the function for reading robots configuration from admin panel is.

Does anyone knows, where the file is? Or is there a better solution to make this work?

There are some topics here, but none says where the source code file is located.

Best regards,


Thanks for the fast response. Actually I wanted to do this as you wrote. Unfortunatelly I cannot update it this way. The option doesn't work on any of the categories and I tried everything I could find.

Please see the picture. There is no possibility to update the design. enter image description here

Thanks for further help in advance.

Best regards,


1 Answer 1


You can do this by updating category Layout Update XML in admin.

Admin - > Products -> Categories -> Select the category -> Design -> Layout Update XML -> Add the below code -> Save

    <meta name="robots" content="NOINDEX,NOFOLLOW"/>

Remove cache and check. You can see the changes in front end product category page source.

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