In the checkout summary, the products * quantity price is showing. With this, I want to show the price of one item. It means with the total price I also want to show the one each product's price in the checkout summary.

This is checkout summary Total Price of the total quantity is coming but I want to show also one unit price, You can show right after the product name or where you can add in the below screenshot.

Please don't disturb anything that is working now.

enter image description here

This is my Js which is running when I applied debugger on the JS

], function ($, Component, $t, ko, _, customerData, updateItemAction, quote) {
    'use strict';
    var quoteItemData = window.checkoutConfig.quoteItemData;
    return Component.extend({
        defaults: {
            template: 'Rokanthemes_OnePageCheckout/summary/item/details'

        titleQtyBox: ko.observable($t('Qty')),
        number: null,
        getQtyBox: function(quoteItem) {
            var item = this.getItem(quoteItem.item_id);
            return item.qty_box;
        getItem: function(item_id) {
            var itemElement = null;
            _.each(quoteItemData, function(element, index) {
                if (element.item_id == item_id) {
                    itemElement = element;
            return itemElement;

         * @param {Object} item
         * @returns void
        updateQty: function (item) {
            if (item.qty < 0) {
                $(".error-message[itemId = '" + item.item_id + "']").text($t('Please enter the number greater than or equal to 0!'));
            if (parseFloat(item.qty) != item.qty) {
                $(".error-message[itemId = '" + item.item_id + "']").text($t('Please enter number!'));
            $(".error-message[itemId = '" + item.item_id + "']").text($t(''));
                function (response) {
                    var totals = response.totals,
                        data = JSON.parse(this.data),
                        itemId = data.itemId,
                        itemsOrigin = [],
                        quoteItemData = window.checkoutConfig.quoteItemData;
                    if (!response.status) {
                        var originItem = _.find(quoteItemData, function (index) {
                            return index.item_id == itemId;
                        $.each(totals.items, function (index) {
                            if (this.item_id == originItem.item_id) {
                                this.qty = originItem.qty;
                            itemsOrigin[index] = this;
                        totals.items = itemsOrigin;
                    } else {

         * @param data
         * @param event
        updateQtyButton: function (data, event) {
            var element = event.target,
                action = element.getAttribute('action'),
                itemId = element.getAttribute('itemId'),
                qtyBox = element.getAttribute('qtyBox'),
                qtyInput = $('[itemId = ' + itemId + ']').parent().parent().find('input');
            if (typeof action === "undefined" || typeof itemId === "undefined" || typeof qtyInput === "undefined") {
            var currentQty = parseFloat(qtyInput.val());
            var qtyBoxing = parseFloat(qtyBox);
            currentQty = Math.round(currentQty * 100);
            qtyBoxing = Math.round(qtyBoxing * 100);
            if (this.number != null && currentQty >= 100) {

            if (action == 'increase') {
                var nextQty = (currentQty + qtyBoxing)/100;
                nextQty = +nextQty.toFixed(2);
                //nextQty = +nextQty.toFixed(2);
                this.number = setTimeout(function () {
                }, 1000);
            } else {
                if (currentQty >= 100) {
                    var nextQty = (currentQty - qtyBoxing)/100;
                    nextQty = +nextQty.toFixed(2);
                    this.number = setTimeout(function () {
                    }, 1000);

         * @param {*} itemId
         * @returns {String}
        getProductUrl: function (itemId) {
            if (_.isUndefined(customerData.get('cart')())) {
            var productUrl = 'javascript:void(0)',
                cartData = customerData.get('cart')(),
                items = cartData.items;

            var item = _.find(items, function (item) {
                return item.item_id == itemId;

            if (!_.isUndefined(item) && item.product_has_url) {
                productUrl = item.product_url;
            return productUrl;
  • Where and how you want to show the product price there? Commented Apr 1 at 4:57
  • I updated the question please check
    – Rana Zain
    Commented Apr 1 at 6:19

2 Answers 2

  1. First you need to override this file into your custom extensions.


  1. In that file, product name is display using this function code.

    getNameUnsanitizedHtml: function (quoteItem) {
             var txt = document.createElement('textarea');
             txt.innerHTML = quoteItem.name;
             return escaper.escapeHtml(txt.value, this.allowedTags);
  2. Now replace this line from :

txt.innerHTML = quoteItem.name;


txt.innerHTML = quoteItem.name + " " + quoteItem.price;

Run all the magento command like upgrade, deploy and then check.

  • I applied direct changes in the file to check it is working or not . It is not showing anything on the checkout summary
    – Rana Zain
    Commented Apr 1 at 7:25
  • I added the js which is working on that , Can you please check
    – Rana Zain
    Commented Apr 1 at 7:44

@Rana Zain


override this file into your Theme. path:- app/degin/frontend/Magento_Checkout/view/frontend/web/js/view/summary/item/details.js

In that file, product name is display using this function code.

getNameUnsanitizedHtml: function (quoteItem) {
         var txt = document.createElement('textarea');

         txt.innerHTML = quoteItem.name + " " + quoteItem.price;

         return escaper.escapeHtml(txt.value, this.allowedTags);

Thank You!

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