When filtering by text attribute type the module block and phtml template retrieve values by attribute code, however its not not returning values on MultiSelect
ive tried the following:
// Build a custom SQL expression using find_in_set $findInSetConditions = []; foreach ($desiredValues as $value) { $findInSetConditions[] = $productCollection->getConnection()->quoteInto( 'FIND_IN_SET(?, ' . $productCollection->getConnection()->quoteIdentifier('e.' . $attributeCode) . ')', $value ); }
and originally - >
$productCollection->addAttributeToFilter( $attributeCode, ['finset' => $value], 'left' );
in the exception error log:
[object] (Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException(code: 0): Invalid block type: YourVendor\YourModule\Block\ProductCount
here is the complete code for block use Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Product\CollectionFactory; use Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template; use Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template\Context;
class ProductCount extends Template { protected $productCollectionFactory;
public function __construct(
Context $context,
CollectionFactory $productCollectionFactory,
array $data = []
) {
parent::__construct($context, $data);
$this->productCollectionFactory = $productCollectionFactory;
public function getProductData($attributeCode, $desiredValues)
// Instantiate product collection
$productCollection = $this->productCollectionFactory->create();
// Build a custom SQL expression using find_in_set
$findInSetConditions = [];
foreach ($desiredValues as $value) {
$findInSetConditions[] = $productCollection->getConnection()->quoteInto(
'FIND_IN_SET(?, ' . $productCollection->getConnection()->quoteIdentifier('e.' . $attributeCode) . ')',
// Add custom SQL expression to the WHERE clause
$productCollection->getSelect()->where(implode(' OR ', $findInSetConditions));
// Add 'name' attribute to the select
// Get the count of products with the specified attribute values
$productCount = $productCollection->getSize();
// Get the names of products
$productNames = [];
foreach ($productCollection as $product) {
$productNames[] = $product->getName();
return [
'count' => $productCount,
'names' => $productNames,
and the template file
getLayout()->createBlock(\YourVendor\YourModule\Block\ProductCount::class); $attributeCode = 'camera_type'; $desiredValues = ['bullet']; $productData = $block->getProductData($attributeCode, $desiredValues); ?>Number of products with = :
0) : ?><h2>List of Products:</h2>
<?php foreach ($productData['names'] as $productName) : ?>
<li><?php echo $productName; ?></li>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<p>No products found with <?php echo $attributeCode; ?> = <?php echo implode(', ', $desiredValues); ?></p>