I'm looking to have dynamic text that changes based on the store view and the product for seo reason. Below i've used a simple exemple of a dynamic country name :

1 - On the attribut configuration page :

  • Create text attribut called "seo-word-country".

side attribut

2 - On the product configuration page :

  • On store-view "Belgium", i add the word "Belgium" in the attribut text field.
  • On store-view "Germany" this would be "Germany"...etc

side product

  • In the short description i add the following text : This product can be shipped to your country "widget-seo-word-country" !.

side description

3 - On the front-end product page :

  • The client and Google crawlers sees the following text on the belgium site : this product can be shipped to your country Belgium !

side frontend

The idear is to have only one default text in short and long description tab which changes on the front-end based on the store-view and the product page.

Big thanks in advance for your help.

Regards, Marc

1 Answer 1


Here alternative solution for this

  Add desciption in admin like below format


"This clamp has an exterior size {} for clamping on the tube"

{} will replace in frontend.

 //Get product desciption in frontend 
  $description =  $_product->getDescription();

  //Get product attribute in frontend
  $size_clamp = $_product->getResource()->getAttribute('size_clamp')->getFrontend()->getValue($_product);
  // Assume it will retrun 27mm

  $updatedDesciption = str_replace('{}', $size_clamp, $description);
  echo  $updatedDesciption
// output   This clamp has an exterior size 27mm for clamping on the tube
  • Hi mp raj, thank you for your return. That is a great solution, it's like a variable ? Can just echo the "size-clamp" attribut and then in the text have {size-clamp} ? Or do i need to echo the entire text ?
    – Marcwales
    Commented Aug 8, 2023 at 15:11
  • "size-clamp" will replace the {} then echo the description text.
    – MP Raj
    Commented Aug 9, 2023 at 4:57

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