I have two 'special' products that when ordered should send a custom email (in place of the standard order confirmation email).

An Observer is set up for the sales_order_place_after event but not sure how to change the email template for the order.

How do I change the email template for this particular order.

  • What type of customization do you want to do, is this just simple text changes or more complex design changes? Commented Sep 23, 2014 at 19:04
  • more complex, but open to just some text changes for now
    – pzirkind
    Commented Sep 23, 2014 at 19:26

1 Answer 1


To send different order conformation email depending on specific criteria you would either have to :

  1. Rewrite sendNewOrderEmail() in Mage_Sales_Model_Order and add logic to check the template

  2. Disable magento "order confirmation email" in system config, then create a custom module to send your email by coping logic from sendNewOrderEmail() using event/observer

  3. For simple text changes, you could use template logic {{if order.customer_group_id}} or {{depend order.customer_group_id}} but they seem to only evaluate true/false condition, therefore for more advance logic you could include a block

{{block type='core/template' area='frontend' template='sales/custom_logic.phtml' order=$order}}

In custom_logic.phtml

  $order = $this->getOrder()

  if($order->getCustomerGroupId() == 1){

See Magento Email Template If Statements

  • great answer! really appreciate the breakdown of options
    – pzirkind
    Commented Sep 24, 2014 at 1:41

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