I'm using Magento 2.4.2-p1, Apache 2.4.54, php 7.4, and am getting a ParseError: syntax error when a class name is declared with a property declaration - is this expected? is there a work around?

From what I can tell you should be able to use a classname as of 7.4, and the same code is working in an nginx environment:

use Magento\Customer\Api\Data\GroupInterfaceFactory;
class CreateCustomerGroup
    protected GroupInterfaceFactory $groupFactory;

Thx for any insights -

  • This seems to have been an issue with stale code - I removed generated/*, var/cache and var/page_cache and the error is no longer visible.
    – theJoey
    Commented Nov 17, 2022 at 15:47

1 Answer 1


Removed generated/*, var/cache and var/page_cache and the error is no longer visible

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