How would I go about adding new custom fields I have created for CMS pages to M2.4.2 CMS REST API responses (and possibly even search/filtering)?
For example, if I want to add new fields to retrieving a single CMS page response, and retrieving a multiple CMS pages meeting certain criteria (possibly even filtering by these new fields if possible?) response?
For example, here are my new fields (a text field and a date field) which are saved in the database:
I added them in InstallSchema:
and in UpgradeSchema:
I also added them in the adminhtml ui_component xml:
If someone could help me retrieve these new fields (and maybe even search by these new fields) in API call responses (get single CMS page and get multiple CMS pages) that would be amazing.
For example, I want to add new fields to this REST API response:
Also I would like to add new fields to this REST API response:
Thank you.