I'm trying to get an Event after canceling Order now for COD or Pending Orders order_cancel_after Event is working fine but for Online Payment or Processing Orders same Event is not working I've tried sales_order_payment_cancel_invoice Event but same that event didnt work.. Now I want to know which Event Triggers on canceling Processing Order. Thanks

2 Answers 2


As i've seen there's multiple events for the order cancel,

  1. order_cancel_after
  2. sales_order_invoice_cancel
  3. sales_order_payment_cancel_invoice
  4. sales_order_payment_cancel_creditmemo
  5. sales_order_payment_cancel_invoice
  6. sales_order_creditmemo_cancel

If none of those fits you i think you should use the sales_order_save_after event, and check if the new order status differs from the old order status and then do your business logic,

sales_order_save_after and sales_order_state_change_before

on those 2 event's you can go check the new status of the order.

  • sales_order_save_after worked for me
    – Asad Khan
    Commented Aug 17, 2021 at 13:59

There's this one event: sales_order_save_after, it triggers a lot!

You can add restriction to your observer to prevent it running too many times (such as check if status is cancel)

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