I have a below checkbox in my phtml file

<input type="checkbox" id="my_checkbox" name="my_checkbox">

Below code is used to pass params to controller file

$('checkbox_id').observe('click', function(e) {
            var checked = this.checked;

new Ajax.Request("<?php echo $formAction;?>", {
           method: 'post',
           postBody: "mypostdata="+$('my_value').value,
           onComplete: function(data) {
                var mydata = data.responseText.evalJSON(true);

How can I check if the checkbox is clicked or not and pass its vale in postBody as params to my controller file ?

For example,

If checkbhox clicked, value = yes/true If not, value = no/false

How can I pass the aboove value, based on user's click as params ?


3 Answers 3


Use this to determine if the checkbox is checked and store it in a variable as a bool value.

After that for postBody you could use:

"mypostdata="+$('my_value').value +"&isChecked="+isChecked;

Where isChecked is the js variable you stored the bool value in and it will be passed to the post param: isChecked

After Edit:

The checked variable in observer function should be a global variable. The var checked as it stands is local to the observer function.

you could do something like:

$('checkbox_id').observe('click', function(e) {
            var checked = this.checked;
            $(this).setAttribute('is_itchecked', checked);

Then your Ajax code should become:

new Ajax.Request("<?php echo $formAction;?>", {
           method: 'post',
           postBody: "mypostdata="+$('my_value').value + "&isChecked=" $('checkboxMy').readAttribute('is_itchecked'),
           onComplete: function(data) {
                var mydata = data.responseText.evalJSON(true);

Here checkboxMy should be the id of the checkbox you are trying to check the status of.

  • Pls see my edit for checkbox click
    – Jordan
    Commented Aug 26, 2014 at 7:14
  • It says $(...).attr is not a function $(this).attr('is_itchecked',checked);
    – Jordan
    Commented Aug 26, 2014 at 8:14
  • Oops I had used jQuery....Have replaced it with proto-type.js above.
    – Paras Sood
    Commented Aug 26, 2014 at 8:18

Jordon try this

$(‘mycheckbox’).observe(‘click’, function(e){alert(‘checked = ‘ + this.checked);});

setting throught scripting:
$(‘mycheckbox’).checked = true;
$(‘mycheckbox’).setAttribute(‘checked’, true);
$(‘mycheckbox’).setValue(''); // will un-check/null value
$(‘mycheckbox’).setValue('anything'); // will check/on value
$(‘mycheckbox’).click(); // will toggle the checkbox


Just like:

$('my_checkbox).observe('click', function(e){

alert('checked = ' + this.checked);
if($('my_checkbox').checked == true){


If the checkbox and the other element you mentioned are in the same form then you only need this.

Form.request('id-of-form', {
    onSuccess: function(data) {
        var mydata = data.responseJSON;

Note that responseJSON is automatically filled when the Content-Type is application/json so be sure to set that in your controller.

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