The problem:
I have to sell products which are downloadable but they can be shippable as well as CD or USB Key. Thus, customer can choose if download the product or receive it on DVD or USB Key.
What's the best option to handle this situation in Magento 2?
What I did:
Till now, using Magento 1, I was selling the product in just 2 options: downloadable or shippable on CD. In order to do this I created 3 products: 1 simple product (for CD), 1 downloadable product (for download), and 1 grouped product (to group those 2 products). However, this is very inconvenient because every time I have to insert a new product I have to insert 3 separated products and now that I want to give the USB key option, I should insert 4 separated products.
I tried to use a configurable product in order to create them but since I'm using a custom Attribute Set with many required fields, the child products created from this process inherit the parent Attribute Set and they force me to compile all those fields. I also tried to change it once the child products have been created but I got I mess...
What I was thinking:
I was thinking about alternatives... something like creating just 1 downloadable product for every products and then creating just 1 simple product for CD shipping and another for USB Key shipping for all products so the customer who wants shipping buys 2 products: the downloadable product and the simple product for CD shipping for example. But, in my opinion, this is not an elegante way to handle this situation.
Do you have a better idea?