I am new to Magento 2.

I want to show comments added by Admin User against a particular order placed. I want to display this comments in table grid of My order section for customer login.

1 Answer 1


Step -1

Go to the \vendor\magento\module-sales\view\frontend\templates\order\History.phtml and override this file into your theme.

Step -2 Please add the below code into overridden History.phtml.

<?php foreach ($_orders as $_order) : ?>
        $history = [];
        foreach ($_order->getAllStatusHistory() as $orderComment) {
            $history[] = [
                'title' =>$orderComment->getStatusLabel(),
                'notified' =>$orderComment->getIsCustomerNotified(),
                'created_at' =>$this->getOrderAdminDate($orderComment->getCreatedAt()),
                'comment' =>$orderComment->getComment()

        foreach ($_order->getCreditmemosCollection() as $_memo) {
            $history[] = [
                'title' =>__('Credit memo #%1 created', $_memo->getIncrementId()),
                'notified' =>$_memo->getEmailSent(),
                'created_at' =>$this->getOrderAdminDate($_memo->getCreatedAt()),
                'comment' => ''

            foreach ($_memo->getCommentsCollection() as $_comment) {
                $history[] = [
                   'title' => __('Credit memo #%1 comment added', $_memo->getIncrementId()),
                    'notified' =>$_comment->getIsCustomerNotified(),
                    'created_at' =>$this->getOrderAdminDate($_comment->getCreatedAt()),
                    'comment' =>$_comment->getComment()

        foreach ($_order->getShipmentsCollection() as $_shipment) {
            $history[] = [
                'title' =>__('Shipment #%1 created', $_shipment->getIncrementId()),
                'notified' =>$_shipment->getEmailSent(),
                'created_at' =>$this->getOrderAdminDate($_shipment->getCreatedAt()),
                'comment' => ''

            foreach ($_shipment->getCommentsCollection() as $_comment) {
                $history[] = [
                    'title' =>__('Shipment #%1 comment added', $_shipment->getIncrementId()),
                    'notified' =>$_comment->getIsCustomerNotified(),
                    'created_at' =>$this->getOrderAdminDate($_comment->getCreatedAt()),
                    'comment' =>$_comment->getComment()

        foreach ($_order->getInvoiceCollection() as $_invoice) {
            $history[] = [
                'title' =>__('Invoice #%1 created', $_invoice->getIncrementId()),
                'notified' =>$_invoice->getEmailSent(),
                'created_at' =>$this->getOrderAdminDate($_invoice->getCreatedAt()),
                'comment' => ''

            foreach ($_invoice->getCommentsCollection() as $_comment) {
                $history[] = [
                    'title' =>__('Invoice #%1 comment added', $_invoice->getIncrementId()),
                    'notified' =>$_comment->getIsCustomerNotified(),
                    'created_at' =>$this->getOrderAdminDate($_comment->getCreatedAt()),
                    'comment' =>$_comment->getComment()

        foreach ($_order->getTracksCollection() as $_track) {
            $history[] = [
                'title' =>__('Tracking number %1 for %2 assigned', $_track->getNumber(), $_track->getTitle()),
                'created_at' =>$this->getOrderAdminDate($_track->getCreatedAt())
        echo "<pre>";
 <?php endforeach; ?>

You can get all the history comments. you can implement based form this $history array.

I hope this is helpful to you!!

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