I am trying to apply changes to the shipping information that gets displayed once the admin clicks on the link to "Get Shipping Methods & Rates".
Obviously I need to grab the product and address info before the order is ever saved. I need to trigger this data when the shipping link is clicked. Grabbing the data after the order is saved will not work for me.
I have tried adminhtml_sales_order_create_process_data
However, this doesn't seem to be returning anything relevant. The only thing I can seem to return with this event is the following:
Which returns:
[collect_shipping_rates] => 1
[customer_id] => 2
[store_id] => 1
[currency_id] => false
[form_key] => 0Is4G9KJ2XYer2c7
[json] => true
Am I grabbing the data wrong or is there a better observer?
I also tried $observer->getEvent()->getOrder();
but that does not return anything.
Update: Not sure why people mark a question as a possible duplicate when in fact the two questions are completely different. This question has to do with properly grabbing the correct data, not observer placement like the other question asked and before the order is submitted.