Circular dependency: Magento\SharedCatalog\Plugin\Source\CustomerGroupPlugin depends on Magento\Customer\Model\Authorization\CustomerSessionUserContext and vice versa. {"report_id":"eae0559822ca428b0a16dd3994d1d4290adc372c6b21381970c5fb48ed31cecf","exception":"[object] (LogicException(code: 0): Circular dependency: Magento\SharedCatalog\Plugin\Source\CustomerGroupPlugin depends on Magento\Customer\Model\Authorization\CustomerSessionUserContext and vice versa.

I am getting the above error after installing b2b extension for the magento2 commerce edition while hitting any of the URL in the front store

  • I have the same error. It started to happen so randomly, without reason. Commented Jun 30, 2020 at 23:46

1 Answer 1


I have got the solution for this. Just clear the cache the problem will be solved.

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