I want to get products by coupon code filtered whether by SKU or Mark so I can get theses details:
,order date price before discount , price after discount, name /surname of the client, telephone , country and product name
For order date ,price before discount and price after discount I got them named 'created_at','subtotal' and 'grand_total' from the table sales_flate_order . But I can not find the other items
I have done an essay , may you check it
/* sales_flat_order.coupon_code AS coupon,*/
catalog_product_entity_text.value As nomproduit,
sales_flat_order.created_at AS datedecommande,
sales_flat_order.subtotal AS prixavantremise,
sales_flat_order.grand_total AS prixapresremise,
sales_flat_order_address.firstname AS prenom,
sales_flat_order_address.lastname As nom,
sales_flat_order_address.telephone AS telephone,
sales_flat_order_address.country_id AS pays
FROM catalog_product_entity_text
LEFT JOIN sales_flat_order
ON (sales_flat_order.entity_id = catalog_product_entity_text.entity_id)
LEFT JOIN sales_flat_order_address
ON (sales_flat_order.entity_id = sales_flat_order_address.entity_id)
LEFT JOIN catalog_product_entity
ON (catalog_product_entity.entity_id=sales_flat_order_address.entity_id)
where sales_flat_order.coupon_code = 'wxxxx'
GROUP BY catalog_product_entity.sku;
Thanks in advance