I have a custom option of product enter image description here

How can I get value: 20, 30 in .phtml file. Hope anyone helps me. Thank in advance.

1 Answer 1


Try below code to get custom option value

$customOptions = $objectManager->get('Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Option')

if (empty($customOptions)) { //check if product has custom options. If it doesn't go to the next product
    continue; }

foreach($customOptions as $option) {
    $values = $option->getValues();
    if (empty($values)) { //check if option has values (Option can have values only if option type is checkbox, radio, multiselect or drop-down)

    foreach($values as $value) {
        $valueData = $value->getData(); //do whatever you want will value data
    } }

To get custom option value title use this:

foreach($customOptions as $option) {
    $values = $option->getValues();
    if (empty($values)) { //check if option has values (Option can have values only if option type is checkbox, radio, multiselect or drop-down)

    foreach($values as $value) {
        $valueTitle = $value->getTitle();
  • Thank for answer. How can I use it in my order information in admin prnt.sc/piarph
    – MichaelHa
    Commented Oct 12, 2019 at 15:26

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