I am working within the configurable options block on the product page and inserting some javascript right in the bottom of it. I wasn't having any issues but suddenly I'm getting an error in console: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'config' of undefined ". I assume its a conflict error. I have been moving around the initialization of the prototype object and commenting things out to no avail. Can you see what is wrong with my javscript at the bottom?
$_product = $this->getProduct();
$_attributes = Mage::helper('core')->decorateArray($this->getAllowAttributes());
<div id="caitlinVendors">
<?php if ($_product->isSaleable() && count($_attributes)):?>
<?php foreach($_attributes as $_attribute){ ?>
<div id="<?php echo $_attribute->getLabel() ?>Box" class="attributeBox">
<dt><label class="required"><em>*</em><?php echo $_attribute->getLabel() ?></label></dt>
<dd<?php if ($_attribute->decoratedIsLast){?> class="last"<?php }?>>
<div class="input-box">
<select name="super_attribute[<?php echo $_attribute->getAttributeId() ?>]" id="attribute<?php echo $_attribute->getAttributeId() ?>" class="required-entry super-attribute-select">
<option><?php echo $this->__('Choose an Option...') ?></option>
<?php }?>
<a href="#" id="vendorsButton" class="vendorsButtonOff">Show Vendors</a>
<div class="clear"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">//Caitlin
//dropdowns are initiated via configurable.js
var spConfig = new Product.Config(<?php echo $this->getJsonConfig() ?>);
var $j= jQuery.noConflict();
$j("#vendorsButton").on("click", function(event){ //vendor button click event
$j('#vendorBox').css('visibility','show'); //set vendor box to visible
if ($j("#vendorBox").is(":hidden")) {
} else {
$j('select').change(function() { //on changing the attribute input
if ($j(this).find('option:selected')[0].text=='Choose an Option...')//see if there is a value in the dropdown
$j('#vendorsButton').removeClass().addClass('vendorsButtonOff'); //Gray out the button and disable
console.log('i still work');
$j('#vendorsButton').removeClass().addClass('vendorsButtonOff'); //Enable and make it gold
<?php endif;?>