I've created a custom module that allows you to add custom labels on product page. So I have a collection of custom objects and I want to filter it but I want to keep the original collection too.
This is my code to understand better:
The model:
class Company_ModuleName_Model_Label extends Mage_Core_Model_Abstract
private $_collection;
public function __construct()
$this->_collection = $this->getCollection();
public function filterByNew()
$collection = $this->_collection;
$collection->addFieldToFilter('type', 'new')->addFieldToFilter('status', 1);
return $collection;
public function filterByOld()
$collection = $this->_collection;
$collection->addFieldToFilter('type', 'old')->addFieldToFilter('status', 1);
return $collection;
And the controller:
class Company_ModuleName_Adminhtml_LabelController extends Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action
public function dosomethingAction()
$model = Mage::getModel('module/model'); //the collection is defined in __construct
$new = $model->filterByNew();
//do something with $new
$old = $model->filterByOld();
//do something with $old
The problem is that after filtering by new, the original collection is not kept. $this->_collection
is now filtered by new, even if I put this line $collection = $this->_collection;
. So now if I want to filter by old, it returns nothing because it's already filtered by new.
Is there a way to filter the original collection by both types, new and old, but not in the same filtration, without loading the collection again?
Thanks a lot!