While working on a development instance I installed the stripe payment module and then ran
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
I hadn't previously done this on this install and it's been running for over a month totally stable and with acceptable performance for a small aws instance. However since this was run the performance of the system has dropped to unacceptable levels and pins php7.2-fpm to 100%.
It's so slow even the cron jobs start backing up and consuming more and more cpu time.
Any ideas what might be going on and what I can do to debug it?
EDIT I've added new relic onto the system and can see the following
Category Slowest components Count Duration %
Custom Magento\Framework\Config\Dom::_mergeNode 731 38,700 ms 53%
Custom Magento\Framework\Config\Reader\Filesystem::_readFiles 18 7,950 ms 11%
Custom Magento\Framework\Config\Dom::_getMatchedNode 113 5,020 ms 7%
Custom Magento\Framework\Config\Dom::validateDomDocument 8 2,790 ms 4%
Custom Magento\Framework\ObjectManager\Config\Mapper\Dom::convert 7 2,740 ms 4%
Custom Magento\WebapiAsync\Code\Generator\Config\RemoteServiceReader\Communication::read 1 2,570 ms 4%
Remainder Remainder 1 12,700 ms 18%
Total time 72,500 ms 100%