I don't clearly understand what you have meant by remove the first where clause so as to avoid any filters
Then you can use the below code:
->where($getMainTableAlias.'.entity_id IN (SELECT catText.entity_id FROM '.$catalogCategoryEntityTextTable.' '
. 'as catText where catText.attribute_id="'.$attributeId.'" AND '
. ' FIND_IN_SET("'.$groupId.'", catText.value) GROUP BY catText.entity_id)');
// fine the Where condition of collection
$wherePart = $collection->getSelect()>getPart(\Magento\Framework\DB\Select::WHERE);
// remove all where condition from Collection
// Remove first condition from $wherePart variable
if(!empty($wherePart)) {
// remove first where
// Apply Rest of all where condition on collection Again
if(!empty($wherePart)) {
Using getSelect()->reset(\Magento\Framework\DB\Select::WHERE)
you can remove all where condition from the query.