I have a module built in magento 2.1.16 which store details of contacts in database and fetches them on list page and details view page. The contacts are of 3 types
- Branches (https://roadmaster.com.co/en_sa/contacts)
- Dealers (https://roadmaster.com.co/en_sa/dealers)
- Authorized Centers (https://roadmaster.com.co/en_sa/servicecenters)
When i clik on more information on any I get url like this one https://roadmaster.com.co/en_sa/dealers/view/index/id/24/ While i want something like https://roadmaster.com.co/en_sa/dealers/al-khaleej
or for this url https://roadmaster.com.co/en_sa/contacts/view/index/id/1/ I want something like https://roadmaster.com.co/en_sa/contacts/rm-jeddah
The contacts are stored in single table and are distinguished by contact_type attribute.