I am working on magento migration using default magento migration tool.

Followed all the steps and migrated data successfully.

I followed the below procedure to migrate data:

  1. Took the dump of M1 Production site database to local

  2. Installed M2 new instance.

Configured source and destination in config.xml file of migration tool

Data migration happen successfully.

Now i need to migrate the changes, Did the following changes.

  1. Took the dump of M1 Production database into local(After 1 week of data migration)

Configured source and destination in config.xml file of migration tool

Then run the below command to migrate the changes.

   php -d memory_limit=10G bin/magento migrate:delta --auto vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/etc/opensource-to-opensource/

I am facing below error,

  Delta Delivering Failed - Deltalog for customer_entity, is not installed in Magento 2

Which means Data Migration Tool creates triggers in the source database. they are used in delta migration. source ->Delta Delivering Failed - Deltalog for customer_entity, is not installed in Magento 2

But this time the database is different where i took the latest dump to local and trying delta migration, which is making problem for me.

How can i migrate changes once the data transfer is done successfully.

Can anyone help me on this please. Thanks

  • Is your Delta migration worked perfectly? Commented Jul 29, 2019 at 6:27
  • @EjilarasanJ, No not completely Commented Jul 29, 2019 at 9:33
  • codebin/magento migrate:data -a vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/etc/opensource-to-opensource/ Products and Customer are dumped perfectly. For, me the order's media gallery throws duplicate. Trying to fix it and let you know the whole flow. Commented Jul 29, 2019 at 10:33

1 Answer 1


Do the below steps to make the delta migration success.

  1. Take a dump of the full production DB of 1.9 eg. Table_pro.
  2. Already having the Magneto 2 DB with certain data.
  3. If Magneto opensource, under the folder of M2 - /vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/etc/opensource-to-opensource/<-- YOUR MAGENTO VERSION -->/config.xml ignore config.xml.dist

<source> <database host="IP" name="M1.9DB_NAME" user="magento" password="magento"/> </source> <destination> <database host="IP" name="M2_EXIST_DB_NAME" user="magento" password="magento" /> </destination>

Need to ignore any tables or remove any ignored tables, map them on map.xml like below.

enter image description here

Finally, run the below command from Magento root SSH. For mine, the Magento version is

bin/magento migrate:data -a vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/etc/opensource-to-opensource/

If any issues raised, we can easily sort out it and make the Magento 2 DB up to date.

The above steps working fine for me.

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