I am working on magento migration using default magento migration tool.
Followed all the steps and migrated data successfully.
I followed the below procedure to migrate data:
Took the dump of M1 Production site database to local
Installed M2 new instance.
Configured source and destination in config.xml file of migration tool
Data migration happen successfully.
Now i need to migrate the changes, Did the following changes.
- Took the dump of M1 Production database into local(After 1 week of data migration)
Configured source and destination in config.xml file of migration tool
Then run the below command to migrate the changes.
php -d memory_limit=10G bin/magento migrate:delta --auto vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/etc/opensource-to-opensource/
I am facing below error,
Delta Delivering Failed - Deltalog for customer_entity, is not installed in Magento 2
Which means Data Migration Tool creates triggers in the source database. they are used in delta migration. source ->Delta Delivering Failed - Deltalog for customer_entity, is not installed in Magento 2
But this time the database is different where i took the latest dump to local and trying delta migration, which is making problem for me.
How can i migrate changes once the data transfer is done successfully.
Can anyone help me on this please. Thanks
bin/magento migrate:data -a vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/etc/opensource-to-opensource/
Products and Customer are dumped perfectly. For, me the order's media gallery throws duplicate. Trying to fix it and let you know the whole flow.