We have extended basic Magento Luma theme. Currently, we are working on the compatibility of the site in various browsers.
I have read many posts regarding media query using on Magento. Below is for your view.
// Common (Both desktop and mobile)
// _____________________________________________
& when (@media-common = true) {
// Mobile
// _____________________________________________
.media-width(@extremum, @break) when (@extremum = 'max') and (@break = @screen__m) {
// Tablet
// _____________________________________________
.media-width(@extremum, @break) when (@extremum = 'min') and (@break = @screen__m) {
// Desktop
// _____________________________________________
.media-width(@extremum, @break) when (@extremum = 'min') and (@break = @screen__l) {
Now my question is the below one works for all the mobiles like iPhones and Android:
.media-width(@extremum, @break) when (@extremum = 'max') and (@break = @screen__m)
or do I need to target specific devices like below:
@media only screen and (min-device-width: 375px) and (max-device-width: 667px) and (orientation: portrait) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2)
Because in my case the CSS only works when I target specific devices.
Could anyone please help me to understand?