I have a custom module which has all the admin users listed. Now I want to list admin users with specific roles.

In my grid collection code it has below code which get all the users:

$collection = $this->_userFactory->create()->getCollection();
    $table = $collection->getTable('authorization_role');

    ->join(['role' => $table], 'main_table.user_id=role.user_id');
    $collection->addFieldToFilter('role.role_name', ['nin' => ['Administrators', 'XYZ']]);



    return $this;

I want to show all users which do not have these 2 roles "Administrator, XYZ".

How could I make join in the collection?


3 Answers 3


I got the solution as below:

    use  Magento\User\Model\ResourceModel\User\CollectionFactory as UserCollectionFactory;

    * @var \Arrow\Customerassignment\Model\userFactory
    protected $_userFactory;

    public function __construct(UserCollectionFactory $userFactory)
        $this->_userFactory = $userFactory;

     * @return $this
    protected function _prepareCollection()
        $adminUsers = $this->_userFactory->create();

        $excludedUsersId = [];

        foreach($adminUsers as $adminUser) {
            if(in_array($adminUser->getRole()->getRoleName(), ['Administrators', 'XYZ'])) {
                $excludedUsersId[] = $adminUser->getId();

        $collection = $adminUsers->addFieldToFilter('main_table.user_id', ['nin' => $excludedUsersId]);



        return $this;

I just send you the example of join query

You can see the code and try to make it your own query using this format.

$collection = $productCollection->create()->addAttributeToSelect('entity_id');

array('value_entity' => $collection->getTable('catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value')),
'e.entity_id = value_entity.entity_id',


echo '<pre>';print_r($collection->getData());die('died');

Try below code it will join role table with user table and gives you both table data and filter based on role name.

    $collection = $this->_userFactory->create()->getCollection();
    $table = $collection->getTable('authorization_role');
    $connection = $collection->getConnection();
        ->join(['role' => $table], 'main_table.user_id=role.user_id');
    $collection->addFieldToFilter('role.role_name', ['nin' => ['Administrators', 'admin']]);`


    $collection = $this->_userFactory->create()->getCollection();
    $table = $collection->getTable('authorization_role');
    $connection = $collection->getConnection();
        ->join(['role' => $table], 'main_table.user_id=role.user_id', ['role_user_id' => 'role.user_id']);
    $collection->addFieldToFilter('role.role_name', ['nin' => ['Administrators', 'admin']]);
  • showing error below: 2 exception(s): Exception #0 (Zend_Db_Statement_Exception): SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1052 Column 'user_id' in order clause is ambiguous, query was: SELECT main_table.*, role.* FROM admin_user AS main_table INNER JOIN authorization_role AS role ON main_table.user_id=role.user_id WHERE (role.role_name NOT IN('Administrators', 'RegionalManager')) ORDER BY user_id DESC LIMIT 20 Commented Feb 4, 2019 at 12:49
  • update your full code. Commented Feb 4, 2019 at 12:51
  • question updated please check and let me know where i am wrong. Commented Feb 4, 2019 at 13:02
  • try updated answer Commented Feb 4, 2019 at 13:06
  • it showing all the user, join condition not working. :( Commented Feb 4, 2019 at 13:12

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