I am following a tutorial from the book of Roman Zenner & Vinai Kopp called "Magento - The Handbook for Developers" (german: Magento - Das Handbuch für Entwickler).

Snippet from config.xml


It says that I need this setup script: The script is in (app/code/local/WR/EPO/sql/wr_epo_setup/upgrade-

 * @var Mage_Sales_Model_Mysql4_Setup $installer

$installer = $this;

Mage::Log("Setup Script is getting executed.", 7, "setup.log");

$installer->addAttribute('quote_item', 'shipping_surcharge', array(
        'label' => 'Versandkostenaufpreis'
        ,'type' => 'decimal'


But I get a 500 Status Code Error and the error Call to undefined method Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Setup::addAttribute() is getting logged.

I also tried this:

Snippet from config.xml


... and moved the setup script from app/code/local/WR/EPO/sql/wr_epo_setup/upgrade- to app/code/local/WR/EPO/sql/wr_epo_sales_setup/upgrade- but now the setup script is not getting executed at all, I already removed the entry in the core_resources table and reloaded the site.

Is the tutorial outdated? How to do it right?

1 Answer 1


The issue isn't with your setup script. You aren't using the proper setup resource in your config.xml.

You need to use the Mage_Sales_Model_Resource_Setup model, not the default setup model.

Example from Magento Sales module:

  • I tried it with the class <class>Mage_Sales_Model_Resource_Setup</class> but now my setup script is not getting executed at all.
    – Black
    Commented Jan 16, 2019 at 11:23
  • My fault, I just copied the script from wr_epo_setup to wr_epo_sales_setup and none of them where executed because they are both doing the same. If I comment one of them out, then it works and the setup script log entry is created. Now I have to check if the attribute was really added. Thx!
    – Black
    Commented Jan 16, 2019 at 11:27

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