I am trying to access Content -> Configuration -> Edit (my theme name) but as soon as i hit edit the page will load but get stuck on an Ajax loader gif. See screenshot.
I have cleared out the cache, cleared static content etc to no avail. Any idea?
Here's a copy of the browser console
JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed with logging active, version 1.4.1
file-uploader.js:173 Uncaught ReferenceError: Base64 is not defined
at UiClass.processFile (file-uploader.js:173)
at Array.map (<anonymous>)
at UiClass.setInitialValue (file-uploader.js:78)
at UiClass.initialize (abstract.js:77)
at UiClass.initialize (wrapper.js:109)
at new UiClass (class.js:49)
at Object.initComponent (layout.js:137)
at fire (jquery.js:3232)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js:3362)
at Object.deferred
(/maxcb/theme/design_config/edit/scope/stores/scope_id/1/key/ce4569e5b0258a5cf79d478b35922f4fd13fef7de215572ccdbf1bba235d09f6/anonymous function) (http://www.xxx.co.uk/pub/static/version1546980063/adminhtml/Magento/backend/en_GB/jquery.js:3461:37)