Changed the website/store codes on a multistore installation to something more meaningful/relevant. These new codes are saved in the database OK.
When i try to access websites/stores other than the default, i get a NoSuchEntityException error on the page thrown in the file: vendor/magento/module-store/Model/WebsiteRepository.php:80 The error info shows that it is still trying to use the old codes.
I have ran all the usual CLI commands: setup:upgrade, setup:di:compile, cache:flush, cache:clean, indexer:reindex
Ive deleted all the relevant folders in /var and /pub/static before running those commands
Restarted the server and run all the above again
Searched the server files and the database for references to the old codes
But the error still persists. Does anyone know what could be causing this? Where is it sourcing the old codes from? What do I need to do to get the new codes in the database to be used/recognised?