I want to update "Please specify a payment method." with background color on checkout page.I have updated text in module-sales/i18n/en_US.csv file but this is not working for me.
Please help me.
I want to update "Please specify a payment method." with background color on checkout page.I have updated text in module-sales/i18n/en_US.csv file but this is not working for me.
Please help me.
please check in your csv file
"Please specify a payment method" there is no white space and trimmed your text
please clear cache and check
You can update text in direct in file where it comes from.
PackageName\vendor\magento\module-multishipping\Model\Checkout\Type\Multishipping.php at line no 717.
protected function _validate()
$quote = $this->getQuote();
/** @var $paymentMethod \Magento\Payment\Model\Method\AbstractMethod */
$paymentMethod = $quote->getPayment()->getMethodInstance();
if (!$paymentMethod->isAvailable($quote)) {
throw new \Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException(
__('Please specify a payment method.') //here you can change text
return $this;
Try this and let me know if you are still facing the same issue