I got a cron job which creates products. There are many products, so the cron runs more than every 4 hours.
I create my products in batches of 250 and with paging. If I create every batch/page single wise, there is no error.
If I run the cron job as it should be (all product batches in row), then I get a timeout.
[27-Sep-2018 13:09:26 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 240 seconds exceeded in /../magento/app/Mage.php on line 0
This is the file and line, where this error comes from, varies from time to time...
on top of my importer file I call this, because I hoped it would help...
ini_set('MAX_EXECUTION_TIME', -1);
max_execution_time is set to 18000... where does this 240 come from and how can I change it?