I'm making a Megamenu Module, where I want to include the phtml of a file in my MailChimp module (Signup Form). Is there a way I can call on this template from within another module?

  • which magento version are you using ? Commented Sep 27, 2018 at 10:23
  • Please specify magento version
    – Amit Bera
    Commented Sep 27, 2018 at 10:24
  • Sorry I forgot! Question is edited with the version.
    – Digitaq
    Commented Sep 27, 2018 at 10:25

3 Answers 3


Definitely, you can call any PHTML file from another PHTML file or layout file:

To call phtml from phtml file, use below syntax:

echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock("Namespace\Module\Block\BlockClass")->setTemplate("Namespace_Module::filename.phtml")->toHtml();

or you can even try:

<?php include ($block->getTemplateFile('Namespace_Module::/foldername/filename.phtml')) ?>

Yes you can include / add other's module template in different module. in your module's layout file add block like that :

 <block class="other\module\block\class" name="mail.chimp.template" template="Mail_Chimp::template.phtml" />

here :

class="other\module\block\class", will be other module block class.

template = "Module_Name/template_file.phtml"


Sure you can. In your layout xml, specify the module see below (where vendor i will assume it's MailChimp:

<block class="YourBlock" name="your.name" template="Vendor_module::path/template.phtml" >

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