I am learning magento and I have some doubts about how it works, could someone help me with it or can suggest some tutorial from where I can learn more about magento. In


file there is a piece of code


I know this function can be found in


But there is no such function, I also looked in the parent class and there also I could not find this function.

I found another function in


Below is the function

protected function _getProductCollection()
    switch ($this->getDisplayType()) {
        case self::DISPLAY_TYPE_NEW_PRODUCTS:
            $collection = parent::_getProductCollection();
            $collection = $this->_getRecentlyAddedProductsCollection();
    return $collection;

and I know this function is called but my question is why and how? These two have different names then how they can be same. Do it means that "_" is only used if a function is protected and it does not have to do anything with the function name.

And also when I echoed


then I got 'new_products' but if you see in this function then magento is using self::DISPLAY_TYPE_NEW_PRODUCTS in case then how these two cases or strings are similar.

Also please explain this line


do it means call _getProductCollection() from parent class and if yes then where this is specified in magento.

1 Answer 1


1) Regarding: $this->getProductCollection() method:

Check file:


This is having _beforeToHtml() method at line no.127(Line number can be different for different version of Magento).

 * Prepare collection with new products
 * @return Mage_Core_Block_Abstract
protected function _beforeToHtml()
    return parent::_beforeToHtml();

Above method sets product collection before html render.

Note: getProductCollection() and _getProductCollection() are not same. Both are completely different method.

2) $this->getDisplayType()

Any constant variable can be defined using const statement.

const DISPLAY_TYPE_NEW_PRODUCTS = 'new_products';

and that variable can be used as:


So, self::DISPLAY_TYPE_NEW_PRODUCTS will return new_products.

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