[2018-08-21 12:16:02] main.CRITICAL: Rolled back transaction has not been completed correctly. {"exception":"[object] (Exception(code: 0): Rolled back transaction has not been completed correctly. at /home/groceryp/www.tripochure.com/bikeon/vendor/magento/framework/DB/Adapter/Pdo/Mysql.php:270)"} []

1 Answer 1


We have been experiencing this issue across all of our Magento 2 sites. For us, switching off persistent cart (Store > Configuration > Customer > Persistent Shopping Cart) solved the issue. I really hope Magento can fix persistent cart, though, as we'd like to be able to use it again.

  • Unfonrtunately this did not help me as I don't have Persistent cart on.
    – Webninja
    Commented Mar 2, 2022 at 20:45

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