I got stuck into the magento admin grid. I need to put the filter on the grid column. which has value YES and NO.
But YES and NO are decided from the many conditions. I have one renderer file for delivering the value for column and in that file there are lots of conditions. By passing through lots of conditions I have decided that particular row should have YES/No or BLANK.
And I don't know how to put a filter above the column. I cant put the same logic to the filter callback as there are already around 200 lines conditions have been put to the renderer files.
Please suggest a way to achieve this.
Thank you.
Here is my code Grid.php
$this->addColumn('mailSent', array(
'header' => Mage::helper('vendor')->__('Other Updates'),
'renderer' => 'Namesapce_Modulename_Block_Adminhtml_Vendor_Order_Renderer_Mailsent',
'option' => $this->getVendorIds(),
'type' => 'options',
'options' => Mage::getModel('vendor/vendor')->getOptionArray(),
'column_css_class' => 'mailsent-td',
'width' => '4px'