I have made required 'Show Prefix' from admin config setting. Now prefix is shown on the customer account edit page.

But, when i am trying to save customer prefix, then i am getting Error: "Name Prefix" is a required value." enter image description here

I have also used 'Prefix Dropdown Options' but again, I am getting same error.

enter image description here enter image description here I am getting this error in Magento Ver 2.2.1, Ver 2.2.2 and Ver 2.2.3. Is anybody else getting this type error?

4 Answers 4


This is a Magento bug.

Please check this issue at magento issue list: https://github.com/magento/magento2/issues/7499

Might at this another issue, they have the fix issue


The fix will be available with the upcoming patch release.


This is not a error, its just validating the form data, if you dont want prefix as a required field, then you can change to OPTIONAL from the magento admin customer configuration settings.

Steps: MagentoAdmin->Stores->Configuration->Customer->CustomerConfiguration->Name and Address Options->Show Prefix->Optional


In my case, the reason was a missed value in the table customer_form_attribute.

Check if all form codes are maped to prefix attribute:


Probably missed adminhtml_customer form code is a cause of the issue.


You just need this:

Go to: Configuration -> Customers tab -> Customer Configuration -> Name and Address Options section -> Show Prefix -> No

Clean the cache, and you will get removal of Name Prefix option from frontend.

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