I created a copy of a project and of the database. Everything seems to work fine by far, but some pages are not working and I get to see the "sorry, page not found" site. No product site is working actually.
Let's take a look at the database table core_url_rewrite
it looks fine. But if I go to https://www.mysite.de/produkte/klebstoffe.html then I get the Sorry page not found
If I enter the whole url "https://www.mysite.de/catalog/category/view/id/74" then I get redirected to a page, but to another page then I get on the original project which I have cloned.
Steps for reproduction
Create a copy of the original project e.g. `cp -R original_shop/ copy_shop/
Create dump of original_shop database
Create a new database for copy_shop
Import database dump from original_shop to copy_shop
to point at the domain ofcopy_shop
to point to the new database.Clear cache and /var folder.
Reindex everything
Try to view a product. You will most likely get to see the page "sorry page not found"
What I have tried
- Truncating the table
and reindexing the whole site.
Result: No change.
Reindex all
I reindexed everything by using n98-magerun
./n98-magerun.phar index:reindex:all
Started reindex of: catalog_product_attribute
Successfully reindexed catalog_product_attribute (Runtime: 1s)
Started reindex of: catalog_product_price
Estimated end: 2018-06-14 12:27:29 UTC
Successfully reindexed catalog_product_price (Runtime: 4s)
Started reindex of: catalog_url
Estimated end: 2018-06-14 12:27:32 UTC
Successfully reindexed catalog_url (Runtime: 4s)
Started reindex of: catalog_product_flat
Estimated end: 2018-06-14 12:27:36 UTC
Successfully reindexed catalog_product_flat (Runtime: 3s)
Started reindex of: catalog_category_flat
Successfully reindexed catalog_category_flat (Runtime: 0)
Started reindex of: catalog_category_product
Successfully reindexed catalog_category_product (Runtime: 1s)
Started reindex of: catalogsearch_fulltext
Estimated end: 2018-06-14 12:27:38 UTC
Successfully reindexed catalogsearch_fulltext (Runtime: 1s)
Started reindex of: cataloginventory_stock
Successfully reindexed cataloginventory_stock (Runtime: 0)
Started reindex of: tag_summary
Successfully reindexed tag_summary (Runtime: 0)
Result: No change.
What is going on?