In sales_order_item table, there's a column product_options to store some custom values.

I need to get the deliverydates from the following value (value from the db column product_options)


I have tried the following code, but is not working.

    foreach ($this->order->getAllVisibleItems() as $orderItem) {
        $options = $orderItem->getProductOptions(); 
        #$options = $orderItem->getProduct()->getTypeInstance(true)->getOrderOptions($orderItem->getProduct());
        if(!empty($options['options'])) {        
            foreach ($options['options'] as $option) {
                if ($option['label'] == 'deliverydates'){
                    $deliverydate = $option['value'];

3 Answers 3


Based on your json, you cannot get the delivery dates by options key, you have to use info_buyRequest, Try this

foreach ($this->order->getAllVisibleItems() as $orderItem) {
     $options = $orderItem->getProductOptions(); 
        if(!empty($options['info_buyRequest'])) {
            if(!empty($options['info_buyRequest']["deliverydates"])) {
                $deliverydates = $options['info_buyRequest']["deliverydates"];
  • Just tried your code. I got an error "Notice: Undefined index: info_buyRequest.". it seems info_buyRequest is empty. I've checked in my DB again, I'm sure the data is there as the JSON data i posted in the answer. I'm don't know why it didn't get me the productOptions. Commented Apr 7, 2018 at 5:04
  • Sorry it was my fault, Please try to use [ $options = $orderItem->getProductOptions(); ] instead of [$options = $orderItem->getProduct()->getTypeInstance(true)->getOrderOptions($orderItem->getProduct());] , If you are working on the order you need to use [ $options = $orderItem->getProductOptions();] same as your code hope this will help Commented Apr 7, 2018 at 5:13
  • I am glad that i could help you Commented Apr 7, 2018 at 5:19

you can use below code to get all configurable product options from order

   $items = $order->getAllVisibleItems();
      foreach ($items as $item) 
        $options = $item->getProductOptions();          
        if (isset($options['attributes_info']) && !empty($options['attributes_info'])) 
        foreach ($options['attributes_info'] as $option) 
             $opts[strtolower($option['label'])] = $option['value'];   


Use this code to get product attribute for product items in Order.

$orderAllItems = $this->order->getAllItems();
foreach ($orderAllItems as $orderItem) {
    $options = $orderItem->getProductOptions();
    if ($options) {
        $info = $options['info_buyRequest'];

You can get all custom options from $info.

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