We are trying to add multiple select filters to apply button for layered navigation in Magento 2.1.0 with Smile Elastic Suite.
I have created a jQuery script to get all multiple selected option and split taking only params in array like below.
So now how to convert this array and make single url with repeated params?
Our filters look like
My script is like :
var val=[];
var queryString= [];
var hash;
$("input[name='type']:checked").each(function() {
val.push($(this).val().slice($(this).val().indexOf('?') + 1).split('&'));
Alert result is:
So help me to create single url to load products using filter params
in website multi attribute select will be like below "http://localhost/magento2/shop/kitchen.html?attribute1[0]=20&attribute11=30&attribute2[0]=21" so i am not getting the checked box value only for same attribute