How to fix php curl extension error while installing magento 2?
I attached the Screenshot
And if it's not installed.
Use the following steps to install curl:
Testing curl
Open up the Windows Command Prompt terminal. (From the Start menu, click Run, then type cmd.)
Set the path to include the directory where you put curl.exe. For example, if you put it in C:\Program Files\curl, then you would type the following command: set path=%path%;"c:\Program Files\curl"
NOTE: You can also directly copy the curl.exe file any existing path in your path
Type curl. You should see the following message: curl: try 'curl –help' or 'curl –message' for more information This means that curl is installed and the path is correct.
The steps are as follows :
WAMP\bin\php\(your version of php)\
WAMP\bin\Apache\(your version of apache)\bin\
You can find the line in the php.ini file: ;extension=php_curl.dll
Remove ; at the beginning of this line. And you may need to restart apache server.
If you have wamp server
Please review screen shot and try given setting than restart your Wamp server.