I want to know how shipping step is skipped on checkout page for virtual product. I know virtual product skips shipping step on checkout page but how it it works internally.

Acually I want to apply same functionality for bundle product but firstly I want to know real working of skipping shipping step for virtual product.

1 Answer 1


Okay, so you should start with understanding how checkout works:

  1. When you add any product to cart you will create a quote object.
  2. This object contains quote items, which have a is_virtual property.
  3. When you switch to checkout, quote is loaded to a JavaScript model object. This model is used throughout checkout.
  4. The JS quote model has a method called isVirtual() which returns true if all quote items are virtual.
  5. First step of checkout has a Knockout.js visible property which depends on the isVirtual() method. When quote is virtual, then the first step is hidden.

That's it in a nutshell. :)

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