how can i get cart summary button after "update shopping cart" button ??

enter image description here

This is mobile view, don't worry about desktop view.

1 Answer 1


Yes, i get the solution. Override checkout_cart_index.xml in your current theme and find below container and add code after this container.

<container name="checkout.cart.items" as="with-items">


<container name="checkout.cart.container" htmlTag="div" htmlClass="cart-container" before="-">



  <!-- Add custom Checkout button after cart container for only mobile view-->
 <container name="custom.checkout.button" htmlTag="div" htmlClass="mobile-checkout-button">
     <block class="Magento\Checkout\Block\Cart" name="checkout.cart.custom.bottom" template="cart/methods.phtml">
        <container name="checkout.cart.methods.custom" as="methods" label="Payment Methods After Checkout Button">
             <block class="Magento\Checkout\Block\Onepage\Link" name="checkout.cart.methods.onepage.custom.bottom" template="onepage/link.phtml" />
             <block class="Magento\Checkout\Block\QuoteShortcutButtons" name="checkout.cart.shortcut.custom.buttons" />

Hope so it helps you.

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