I want to change the country in estimate shipping (cart page) programatically in my module (meaning user clicks on a button in footer on homepage and I change the shipping country on cart page for that session):

enter image description here

However it doesn't work if I do it with the session object.

// Magento\Checkout\Model\Session;

$quote = $this->session->getQuote()
$quote->getShippingAddress()->getCountryId() // returns GB which is right, but the sidebar on frontend is still showing US on refresh. 

3 Answers 3


This needs to be done with js. Something like:

var countryData = customerData.get('checkout-data');
            if (countryData()) {
                if (countryData().shippingAddressFromData) {
                    countryData().shippingAddressFromData.country_id = "GB";
                } else {
                    countryData().shippingAddressFromData = {};
                    countryData().shippingAddressFromData.country_id = "US;
                customerData.set('checkout-data', countryData());

This should be $quote->setShippingAddress()->getCountryId()->save();

  • not working, tried also $quote->setShippingAddress()->setCountryId("GB")->save() Commented Apr 11, 2017 at 18:45

use this: $quote->getShippingAddress()->setCountryId("GB")->save()

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