I want to retrieve magento 2 model collection using limit offset, like raw query like this:

$rawQuery = SELECT * FROM test WHERE test_id = '".$test_id."' and status = '1' LIMIT 600 OFFSET ".$offset;

i have tried using this,but not working,

    $collections = $model->getCollection()

2 Answers 2


Use the $collection->setPageSize(600) and $collection->setCurPage($offset) methods.


You can set limit and offset like this,

$collectionLimit = 600;

$collectionOffset = $offset;

$collections = $model->getCollection()

$collections->getSelect()->limit($collectionLimit, $collectionOffset);
  • when i use foreach for $collections, it retrieve empty data Commented Mar 15, 2017 at 3:34
  • is this work with pagination for custom collection? Commented Mar 4, 2019 at 4:54

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