I read this Remove from wishlist URL? but I have a problem with.
I'm trying to find $removeID in this link: xx.com/wishlist/index/remove/item/$removeID/
Because wishlist remove url almost same. Only difference is $removeID
I read this Remove from wishlist URL? but I have a problem with.
I'm trying to find $removeID in this link: xx.com/wishlist/index/remove/item/$removeID/
Because wishlist remove url almost same. Only difference is $removeID
In case you're trying to find the ID from a string that holds the URL use a preg_match
$url = 'xx.com/wishlist/index/remove/item/5/';
preg_match('/item\/([0-9]+)/', $url, $matches);
var_dump($matches); // just will hold a multidimensional array with your ID
If you're trying to get the ID from a url you can use
$id = Mage::app()->getRequest()->getParam('item');
var_dump($id); // this will be the id