I'm trying to run a Magento 2 console command from within an adminhtml Controller in a custom module. (The module itself is configured correctly, enabled, and running just fine with no errors.)
I figured I'd give one of the built-in commands a shot to ensure it works properly before attempting my own custom command.
When triggered via a cron job, it runs with no errors:
php-cli /home/[sharedHostingName]/public_html/bin/magento --list > /home/[sharedHostingName]/public_html/var/log/test.log
But if I trigger it from my adminhtml Controller, I get an error part-way through the output:
We're sorry, an error occurred. Try clearing the cache and code generation directories. By default, they are: var/cache, var/di, var/generation, and var/page_cache.
I've tried clearing all four of those directories several times with no luck. I get the same result each time.
What am I doing wrong?
Here's my Controller:
namespace [CompanyName]\Module\Controller\Adminhtml\Test;
class Index extends \Magento\Backend\App\Action
protected $jsonResultFactory;
protected $context;
private $resultData;
public function __construct(
\Magento\Backend\App\Action\Context $context,
\Magento\Framework\Controller\Result\JsonFactory $jsonResultFactory
) {
$this->jsonResultFactory = $jsonResultFactory;
return parent::__construct($context);
public function execute()
$result = $this->jsonResultFactory->create();
system('php-cli bin/magento --list > /home/[sharedHostingName]/public_html/var/log/test.log');
$this->resultData["message"] = "test AJAX response";
return $result;
protected function _isAllowed()
return $this->_authorization->isAllowed('ACL RULE HERE');
...And here's the full output written to the log (error at bottom):
Magento CLI version 2.1.2
command [options] [arguments]
--help (-h) Display this help message
--quiet (-q) Do not output any message
--verbose (-v|vv|vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug
--version (-V) Display this application version
--ansi Force ANSI output
--no-ansi Disable ANSI output
--no-interaction (-n) Do not ask any interactive question
Available commands:
help Displays help for a command
list Lists commands
admin:user:create Creates an administrator
i18n:collect-phrases Discovers phrases in the codebase
i18n:pack Saves language package
info:adminuri Displays the Magento Admin URI
info:backups:list Prints list of available backup files
info:currency:list Displays the list of available currencies
info:dependencies:show-framework Shows number of dependencies on Magento framework
info:dependencies:show-modules Shows number of dependencies between modules
info:dependencies:show-modules-circular Shows number of circular dependencies between modules
info:language:list Displays the list of available language locales
info:timezone:list Displays the list of available timezones
maintenance:allow-ips Sets maintenance mode exempt IPs
maintenance:disable Disables maintenance mode
maintenance:enable Enables maintenance mode
maintenance:status Displays maintenance mode status
module:disable Disables specified modules
module:enable Enables specified modules
module:status Displays status of modules
module:uninstall Uninstalls modules installed by composer
setup:backup Takes backup of Magento Application code base, media and database
setup:config:set Creates or modifies the deployment configuration
setup:cron:run Runs cron job scheduled for setup application
setup:db-data:upgrade Installs and upgrades data in the DB
setup:db-schema:upgrade Installs and upgrades the DB schema
setup:db:status Checks if DB schema or data requires upgrade
setup:di:compile Generates DI configuration and all missing classes that can be auto-generated
setup:install Installs the Magento application
setup:performance:generate-fixtures Generates fixtures
setup:rollback Rolls back Magento Application codebase, media and database
setup:store-config:set Installs the store configuration
setup:uninstall Uninstalls the Magento application
setup:upgrade Upgrades the Magento application, DB data, and schema
We're sorry, an error occurred. Try clearing the cache and code generation directories. By default, they are: var/cache, var/di, var/generation, and var/page_cache.