I'm in need of some assistance. When I click on the top link "Checkout" on my site, redirected to https://MyURL.com/checkout/ and given a 500 error. When I clink on "Cart" and then "Proceed to Checkout" I reach to https://MYURL.com/checkout/onepage and the working checkout page.Using Chrome Inspect on the "Checkout" top link I get:
<a href="https://MYURL.com/checkout/" title="Checkout" class="top-link-checkout">Checkout</a>
It would seem the quick fix would be to add "onepage" to the end of that href? Problem is, I can't seem to find that code anywhere to edit it, or anyth on the backend of Magento where one redirects top links if there is such a thing.
I'm starting to lose my sanity over what seems like a quick fix. Please advise. Be gentle. I'm fairly new to all this stuff.